Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Shock and Awe

In the beginning of this chapter the author's speak of the emotions that a wonder evokes. This seemed to relate to our discussion of how we need to focus on problem based learning instead of the way we learn now. with the different degrees of satisfaction and content after exploring a solution or a wonder we see that this gives motivation and drive for somebody to go through the experience again. For example when a child finds out for the first time why the moon goes through its phases, if he was initially looking to solve his curiosity he would also be going through the same levels of emotions that someone may be going through when they discover a wonder. This rush of emotions which Adelard described as "the flight of the heart" is positive reinforcement that we should hope children accept as the the only reason in which they pursue solving their curiosity, because then their curiosity will always lead to a reward not dependent on a grade, job opportunities or other awards, and this would be a self sufficient system that would empower the child to continue to always be seeking wonders.

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