Thursday, April 30, 2009

with a sense of poise and rationality.....

It was interesting to see how the monster's where treated in regards to the emotions that they invoked. I started to think about this topic while I was driving and saw some road kill on the side of the road and I felt saddened. Then I wondered why such feeling are invoked when a squirrel is killed and not when I see a bug, pig, or rat. I used to hate mice and anything that looks like them. Then when I was a kid a video game character of a hedgehog and my perception of small hamster like creatures change. One of the reasons that I feel like my perception changed was because I was now recognizing these creatures as having feelings and thought processes closer to myself. Also the cartoons and games make the creatures have more human like abilities, like speech, emotions, and love. The reason some of these monsters where greeted differently was because of the failures certain individual to recognize the monster's as people like themselves, with the same intentions.

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