Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Modern Wonders

In response to Laura's question, yes, I believe we do still have wonders - both in nature and in the sciences. Even with the greater understanding we have now of medicine, disease, and genetic mutations, there are still things I find miraculous. 

I found it interesting how often people in medieval times attributed "wonders" to religious premonitions - especially their belief that conjoined twins were a warning from God. We now know the reason for conjoined twins and, in many cases, can perform surgery to separate them. This makes me wonder how many of our modern beliefs and practices will be considered outlandish by future generations. One example I can think of is the use of radiation to treat cancer. It's our best treatment as of now yet it is essentially toxic. Perhaps it really is the only treatment but I can't help but remember how people used to believe blood letting cured people and in reality the people that lived were only living despite the large amount of blood they had lost.

On an unrelated note: what on earth is a barnacle goose?

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