Thursday, April 16, 2009

Poverty, IQ and Education

Since we spend so much time discussing education, there's a pretty interesting column in today's NYX by Nocholas Kristof about how IQ might be more "malleable" than previously thought, and that one's socio-economic status (and thus one's access to opportunities, support, and even a good school) is enormously important. For instance,poor children who were adopted into middle-class homes saw an increase in IQ, as did kids who were identified as "at risk" for retardation and were placed into an intensive program. Kristof concludes that schools should implement into their curriculum the clear qualifier that IQ can in fact be expanded and increased.


1 comment:

  1. Carol Dweck has written on this extensively and it's very cool stuff. Here's a link to the first article I read that referenced her stuff and led me to go and buy her books.
