Thursday, January 29, 2009

Darwinism and the pursuit of the truth.

It is sometimes better to assume something is true without extensive research. 'Quick and dirty habits of belief-formation are often better than precise, labor-intensive ones.' In contrast to this idea Lynch points out that in most cases it is better to know more about your environment. Additionally you will be more likely to achieve your goal if you know more; including survival. I think Lynch's point here interestingly matches up with the idea of darwinism. The longer an animal could survive, it would be more likely to reproduce and pass down the genetic mutuations that enabled said animal to survive. Just like in human evolution the smarter the 'cavemen' were and the more they learned about there envirinment (the use of tools, weapons, clothing, fire) the more likely they were to survive. This process of learning was mankind's earliest attempts to find the truth and come closer to the truth. Even in the earliest of our mankind we were attempting to discover the truth. At the time this pursuit for truth wasn't for academic reasons but to simply survive. Now do you think truth matters?


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