Wednesday, January 21, 2009

True to Life

"If we do not know that we are being deceived, isn't it still the truth as far as we know it?" (From Leslie's post)

I had almost the same thought as Leslie did when I was reading Lynch's example of the virtual reality tank on page 15. Lynch makes the point of saying that truth is objective because we don't know everything and we can make mistakes (pg. 11). Once inside the virtual reality machine, our reality would become the life inside that machine. We wouldn't know anything else, and we would have no memory of any other world. Therefore, because we don't know everything, we would make the mistake of thinking that our virtual world was the true world. Others in the real world would say that this world is virtual or fake. However, those living in the virtual world would believe that theirs was real and true. Truth is objective depending on their individual experiences. Those in the virtual world may be being deceived, but they wouldn't know that. Their world would still be the truth as far as we know it.

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