Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Truisms about truth continuing the conversation

"Truth is objective depending on their individual experiences. Those in the virtual world may be being deceived, but they wouldn't know that. Their world would still be the truth as far as we know it." Merideth, in response to Leslie

If I understand what Merideth is saying in her post then my thinking on this problem you both seem to have come upon is the argument stated by lynch as the difference between the truth, beliefs, and true beliefs. He argues that people in holding beliefs hold these beliefs because they believe these beliefs to be true and we can not make ourselves believe something that we know is false. Yet, just because we believe something to be the truth does not mean it is the truth. He uses the example of phlogiston theory which was believed to be true by scientists yet we now know is not true. When he says truth is objective he means that no matter who you are or what you are these truths still hold true we are just unaware of it. Thus, for those in the virtual world, even though they don't know that they have been deceived the virtual world is not true even if no one is around outside of it know better. It would just be believed to be true but still be false. I think this is what Lynch was getting at when he was talking about truth being objective. There is no truth for me or us and a truth for you or them just a truth, that may be known by some of us or all of us or none of us, but it is the truth for all. And as for the issue of whether it matters what the truth is. I would bet as far as our desire for it goes I think for the most part there is very little people would rather hold false beliefs about if they knew how to obtain the truth. however, for your example of being lied to about the war being different for you than lying to parents about grades, I think a key difference might be that we desire to know the truth but are perhaps not as compelled to tell it. I am curious in the argument for the fourth truism (17) when truth is compared to love in that it is cared about for the sake of itself rather than as a tool, do you think that saying that you care about truth because you like to be right is the same thing or is that using truth as a tool to form right beliefs and opinions?

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