Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Is Truth relative

I was waiting for class before I posted just in case I would get totally demolished in my argument but since did not cover this topic in class I thought it was valid to address it here. That being said page 35 shows how the conversation stopper: "it's a matter of opinion", and one of the truths t hat people have a hard time attaining has to deal with religion. It seems like the case study of religion showcases how the question of truth and how nothing is The Truth has relevance because of how many people have justified beliefs in believing in their respective religions for the reason they do. There are few other e prevelant  xamples that I could look toward to showcase the differences in beliefs that do not involve politics. I think that this however will make more sense as we head into chapter four and five and we analyze the reliability of truth and maybe that could help determine how some religions have remained strong while others have weakened.

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