Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Chapter 3

This chapter was WAY too technical to make any sort of conclusive, analytical response after only a single run through the reading, so the following should be taken with a handful (or two!) of salt.

For Wittgenstein and the others (but especially Wittgenstein), reality must necessarily be socially constucted. Truth is irrelevant, some unreachable ideal, and knowledge is only a (the?) prevailing opinion. What seems indubitable to one paradigm is lunacy and delusion to the paradigm that succeeds it. I cannot say much about Rorty, but I have read a little Wittgenstein and am currently reading Kuhn, and take the latter differently than Elgin, but not in any way that I can articulate at the moment. Hopefully as we get deeper in I will be able to formulate a more intelligent response with more cognitive consistency!

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