Monday, February 2, 2009

Lynch makes an interesting argument for why we ough to care about truth for truth's sake. He seems to be claiming that we do care about being happy and having a fulfilled life for it's own sake and knowing the truth about one's self is not only key to achieving this end but actually a part of the end. His argument for what can be considered part of an end is that the part must be so crucial to the end as a whole that if the part were to change it would change the whole. I can see how this makes truth part of being happy or having a fulfilled life. Yet, I feel that something fishy has happened here. It seems to me that what we are really saying is that we care about truth( especially truth about yourselves) because of it's relationship to a larger product called happiness. Happiness is what we really care about. This to me is kind of like talking to someone who really cares about their car, not because it gets them places or it serves as a means to an end. If you were to ask them if they really care about the car for the cars sake they may say yea so then you can ask them so does that mean you care about the tires for the tires sake? It seems to me if the response is yes to the first one there is still a chance that the response could be "well no, I only care about the tires because they are apart of my car right now". My point being that I am unconvinced that one has to care about a part for it's own sake to care about the larger whole. I will agree that you do have to care about truth but not for it's own sake just for happiness's sake. If anyone could clarrify where I went astray in the argument that would be lovely because I feel like this must have been covered and I just didn't notice.

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